Does Your Skin Really Need Blue Light Protection?


Does Your Skin Really Need Blue Light Protection?

By Shammi Mondal 


You already know about UVA and UVB rays, but did you hear about the latest research on blue light that emits from your phone and laptop screens? If you’re stuck doomscrolling through the night, we think you’ll appreciate these additions to your skincare routine 

A lot of hyperpigmentation and skin ageing concerns stem from long term exposure to the sun. New research points out that the ‘blue light’ from our screens could also be contributing to this in the long run.  

While an in-depth study is ongoing, we spoke to dermatologist Dr Kiran Sethi to get her insights on how blue light affects our skin. 


Q. Should we be concerned about blue light damage? 

“In large amounts, blue light can be inflammatory to the skin and eyes. It also can induce and worsen hyperpigmentation and cause skin ageing,” explains Dr Kiran 

“But in the right proportion and frequency, blue light has anti-bacterial properties, which can reduce acne and skin inflammation,” says dermatologist Dr Kiran Sethi. 

There's no reason to panic. Dr Kiran offers three easy and effective ways of protecting your skin against blue light.  


#1 Reduce screen time 

Excessive screen time means more exposure to blue light and potential skin and eye damage. Setting a healthy boundary with your screens is key. “Reduce your screen time, especially post 7 or 8 pm,” says Dr Kiran.


#2 Sunscreen to the rescue 

Sunscreens are a year-round necessity and should become a non-negotiable part of your skincare regimen. “Mineral sunscreens work best in blocking blue light,” says Dr Kiran. Look out for sunscreens with ingredients like titanium dioxide and zinc oxide to keep your skin protected.


#3 Antioxidant skincare FTW 

“Topical antioxidants like vitamin C, ferulic acid, resveratrol are great for skin that has been damaged by blue light,” says Dr Kiran. These ingredients will both protect and rejuvenate your skin.