Refunds FAQ

At Tata Cliq Palette, whenever you cancel your order (in whole or part) or return an order (in whole or part), you are eligible for a refund, provided the cancellation or return reason falls under the list of eligible reasons according to the "Terms and Conditions of Sale". In case of order cancellation, the amount including shipping charges will be fully refunded. In case of return, shipping charges will be deducted and the amount billed against the product will be refunded after the returned product passes necessary quality checks.

All refunds, whether against cancelation or against return of goods are credited back to the source account. This is the same card or bank account you used to make payment. 

For all COD orders, the amount will refunded back via NEFT to the bank account details you enter while placing a return request.

You will receive email and SMS communication at each step throughout this process.

Following the latest RBI guidelines regarding online cards transactions, we are refrain from asking for bank details like:


Bank Name

Branch Name

Account Number


In absence of such details we cannot wire-transfer the refund amount.

Nope! You can’t change the mode of payment for your refund. The refund amount will be transferred to the source account that you used to make your order.  Trust us, this is for your beniifit honestly. If your orders was made under a COD payment mode, we will transfer the money to the bank account details you provide to us at the time of initiating your return request.

Sit back and relax. We’ll send you an SMS and email confirming the initiation of your refund. Your refund should reach you within 3-4 working days. In the case of certain public sector banks, it can take up to 10-15 working days.

Firstly, we are sorry about this. Please be assured, if we’ve sent you a confirmation on the approval of your refund, you will definitely get your refund. In rare cases, we face technical difficulties that can delay the refund transfers. If the wait seems too long, contact us here.