Six Steps To Master The Everything Shower Trend


Six Steps To Master The Everything Shower Trend

So, you don’t have a bathtub and you are missing those immersive spa sessions that left you relaxed, rejuvenated and restored? Worry not. Your shower can become your go-to soothing spa session with just a few tweaks.  

Time it right 

If you are looking for relaxation, the best time to shower is at night, before bedtime. You will sleep like a baby. Sometimes the late afternoon post-workout slot can prove surprisingly beneficial too. The important thing is that you choose the time that is the most relaxing for you during the day when you are free, your mind is not distracted by a hundred things, and you don’t have deadlines in the next five minutes. 


Find a phalaenopsis plant 

Small details can pretty up your shower. Orchids love humidity and do well in bathrooms, so if you have a ledge, line up a few phalaenopsis or hook up some hanging dendrobiums to make you feel you are in a tropical Bali spa. If you want something low maintenance, a row of mini cacti nestled in river pebbles or seashells can add a nice Zen touch.  


Create a scent playlist 

Choose an essential oil to match the mood you want to create. Eucalyptus is medicinal and will open up blocked sinuses. Rose oil is calming and soothing. Jasmine is sensuous but also an anti-depressant. Peppermint will give you an energy kick. You can even create your own essential oil blend (always use a carrier oil) for your signature bath boost. It takes just a few drops to induce a state of relaxation and restoration. 

While scented candles are a beautiful option, an oil diffuser will diffuse the essential oils to give you more aromatherapy benefits. You can also use both with complementary fragrances to create layers – a lemon scented candle with a rose oil diffuser, for example. A bowl of dried potpourri with lavender can create another tantalizing whiff.

Try hydrotherapy 

Alternate bursts of hot and cold showers will work wonders on healing aching joints and relaxing stiff muscles or shoulders sore from hunching over the computer. The principle is simple – cold water soothes inflammation and gets your blood cells tingling, while hot water relaxes sore joints and calms you down. Your body gets a shot of both endorphins and serotonins and ends up in a happier state.

Incense, anyone? 

There are times when only the warm cocooning intensity of incense will do. Mughal princesses would dry their hair over an incense burner to scent it. The smell of incense is a visceral one. I love sandalwood and frankincense. Use an agarbatti or incense stick or luxe it up with a loban or incense burner. Light an incense stick ten minutes before your shower for the smoke to diffuse. Then get ready to step into your own little fragrant hammam.  


Add the finishing touches 

Keep a bottle of rose water to spritz all over when you step out of the shower. Wrap yourself in an organic Japanese yukata bath robe and slip into spa slippers. Then a glass of chilled rosé perhaps? Or cucumber-infused water? Just to help complete the experience.  

A spa may not be an everyday affair but if you are all prepped even a five-minute shower can give you the benefits you seek.

Words by Geeta Rao