TATA CLiQ PaletteTrending | Epigenetic Skincare

Trending | Epigenetic Skincare


Epigenetic skincare is the newest beauty buzzword taking over our feeds right now. If you’re still wondering what it does, here’s an easy breakdown 😉 Basically, picture your genes as a light switch – your collagen-producing genes may become less active with age and external factors and switch ‘off’, but epigenetic skincare can signal those genes to start working again. This essentially means that this could be a major leap ahead in the anti-ageing department! ✨ While epigenetic skincare is yet to become a part of our daily routines, there are some formulas already out there in the market that can give us these benefits in smaller doses. If you’re ready to start exploring it, one face cream at a time, we’ve got a few picks for you 👇🏽